In the Bible, God set festivals, events, and times according to the lunar calendar of 354 days. God’s timetable meant that these events didn’t line up to MAN’S way, but HIS. Man wants a fixed and predictable timetable. But God says, “Trust Me and My timing”. We will look at Israel’s Feast Days (Moedim –Appointed Times) from a “last days perspective. When God set up Israel as His nation, in Leviticus 23, He established the laws of “acceptable approach” to God which was sacrifice, there is no forgiveness for sin without the shedding of blood. In Numbers, God has Moses institute seven annual feasts. The Lord instituted His Holy Feasts as holy assemblies to remind His chosen people of how to live their lives in a manner acceptable to Him. Moreover it is also prophetic of God’s plan for His world. Israel’s Holy Days are prophetic, they represent a calendar of His Story of His Cosmos. It demonstrates God’s total control of history. Hopefully, it will strengthen your confidence and hope in our Lord for the future and enable you to endure the coming prophesied tribulation.