The prophesied restoration of the land to Israel which began in 1948 is undeniable evidence of Biblical truth and that we are living in the last days. God revealed to all of the Old Testament prophets the future history of His nation. Even before Israel had set foot on the land God told Moses that He would drive the Jews out from the land He was about to give them because they will reject Him and His Messiah, but by God’s grace, all were shown the end of the story with a regathered people in a restored land with a descendant of King David ruling and reigning from Jerusalem.
God created Israel to be His nation to show a fallen world, separated from God, His ways, His laws and the consequences of obeying and disobeying those laws. We need to know that the laws concerning the Sabbath, Shemitah and Jubilee are extremely important to God. A major reason for Israel’s 70 year captivity in Babylon was that Israel failed to keep 10 Shemitahs. What about now is God still controlling Israel’s history with regard to the Shemitah and Jubilee? I hope this presentation will convince you that God is controlling history in accordance with His timing, particularly with regard to the Jubilee. As well, I hope to reveal the people and events that God used and is using to achieve His purposes, for His nation Israel, exactly as prophesied.